Past-president and long-time member of TCC, Frank Wagner passed away in November 2019. A celebration of his life will take place on:
Sunday, January 5, 2020
1-4 pm
Disabled Americans Veterans Hall,
8 Veterans Plaza, Bergenfield, NJ 07621
Besides being a member of TCC, Frank was a member of Disabled American Veterans Chapter #32, Veterans for Peace Chapter 21 NJ, Frontline Arts NJ, Warrior Writers NJ, Teaneck Peace Vigil, Leonia Vigil Group, Secaucus Vet Center Art Program, and Teaneck Community Chorus.
Frank was a father, grandfather, uncle cousin and a great friend to many. He was a Vietnam Veteran and his nickname “TuDo” means peace in Vietnamese.
Frank had many creative outlets and some of his artwork will be on display. Feel free to bring a potluck dish to share, but it is not required. Please RSVP to if you are going and if you are going to bring a dish to share.

Frank at the TCC Holiday Party 2014