Adopted by the Executive Committee, March 29, 1978.
Revised August 14, 2013
Revised August 14, 2018
Revised August 31, 2020
Revised October 27, 2023
General Rules For Competition
(Print Competitions are on hold for 2023 – 2024)
Please read Print Competition Rules and Digital Image Competition Rules for requirements specific to those competitions
- Competition is open to all paid up members, life members and honorary members.
Those from whom dues are payable must have paid by October 15, otherwise no entries will be accepted from that person and their prior point accumulation will be forfeited. - The Competition Year begins in September and ends in May.
Monthly competitions will be held according to the calendar for the current season. The competition dates may be changed by the President when reasonable notice can be given. Advanced notice will be given for all special competitions. All digital images must be uploaded to PhotoContest Pro by midnight on the Saturday before the competition. - Competitions will be held in the following categories:
Digital Pictorial
Digital Nature
Black & White/Monochrome Prints – (Prints are on hold)
Color Prints – (Prints are on hold)
- Competition entries will be judged in three classes:
Beginner (Class “B”), Advanced (Class “A”), and Salon. If a member competes in Nature and Pictorial, Color Prints and Black & White Prints, he or she may be assigned to different classes for each category. - New members will be assigned to Class “B “, unless the Scorekeeper or category Chairpersons determine that Class “A” is indicated. This may be decided when a new member joins or within a reasonable time. No new members will be permitted into Salon Class.
- Except for new members, class changes may only be made at the end of a Competition Year.
A member in Class “B” receiving high score or seven (7) or more acceptances in monthly competition year will be promoted to Class “A”. Class “A” high point winner will be moved up to the Salon Class. This will apply to all categories. Advancement into the Salon Class can only occur from Class “A”. - Entries will be scored by the judge from 6 to 9 points.
9 is a medal; 8 is an award; and 7 is an honorable mention. In computing point accumulations, one extra point will be credited for each entry submitted for the first time.
- Accepted entries, those entries that have already received a 7, 8 or 9, may not be re-submitted in any other category at any time or in any form ever, except in the current-year-end competition. For example, an image submitted digitally may not be resubmitted as a print, and a color print may not be resubmitted as a black & white. (Prints are on hold)
- An entry that is different but similar to an entry already judged will not be considered a new entry. If an entry is determined to be similar by the Scorekeeper, the image will be disqualified.
- (Note removed)
- Entries scoring six (6) may be edited and resubmitted one time in the same club competition year.
Nature images scoring 6 or are disqualified may be edited and entered into Pictorial.
Pictorial images scoring 6 may be edited and resubmitted into Pictorial.
The title must remain the same.
(Previously these edited and resubmitted images lost an extra point for not being new. Now these images will not lose the extra point.) - Any member may submit only one TCC “studio night” photograph per competition, in each category.
- All entries must have titles.
An entry submitted with “no title” or “untitled” will not be accepted for competition. - Entries must be original images taken by the entrant and with a camera, tablet, or cell phone. Images may not be created from scratch by drawing, using computer software, or any other non-photographic means. Images generated solely by AI (Artificial Intelligence), and not as a digital file from a camera, are not allowed.
Digital photographs from a camera may use AI plug-ins or any photo editing apps to improve the image. - All photographs must be digitally edited and prepared for competition by the photographer and not by another party. Digital editing using Photoshop, Lightroom, and other software is considered part of the artistic process and must by performed by the photographer.
- Photographs of other people’s artwork (paintings, sculptures) are not allowed, unless the artwork is just one component of the photo.
For example: A photo of just a painting is not allowed, but a photo of the same painting with people viewing the painting is allowed.
Photo of a sculpture is not allowed, but photo of same sculpture as part of a large landscape with other components is allowed.
This rule does not apply to architecture, buildings, doors, windows. - Photos taken with cell phone cameras are allowed. They must be resized per the Digital Competition instructions.
- A member who has missed a competition shall be allowed to submit make-up entries in the next regular competition immediately following the missed competition.
This “grace” will be granted to each member only once during the competition year. Members are allowed to submit makeup entries for one missed competition for Digital Pictorial, Digital Nature, and/or Prints. - The category Chairperson and Scorekeeper shall be charged with monitoring entries and making appropriate decisions to ensure that all rules are complied with.
- All questions and disputes by any member shall be resolved by the Executive Board.
- Minimum number of entrants per class for monthly competitions will be two. If there is only one entrant, that person will have the option to compete in the next higher level, if possible.
- Number of entries for each competition shall be decided by the Executive Board and posted in the Calendar page on the website.
Rules For Year-End Digital and Print Competitions
See the Calendar page in the weeks before the competition for detailed instructions.