Print Competitions are currently on hold.
Print Competitions
Revised January 2, 2016
Print images can be entered in two categories, Black & White and Color.
The number of entries allowed for each competition is posted in the Calendar page on the website.
- Black & White/Monochrome Prints Photographs (film or digital) must be taken by the entrant, although the printing of the image does not have to be done by the entrant. Images taken by the entrant can be (sepia or cyan) and printed by a commercial printing facility. The photograph MUST BE SECURELY MOUNTED on mounting board only. The mounting does not have to be done by the entrant. Entries not securely mounted will not be accepted for competition. Monochrome prints that have been colored using two or more colors will be classified as Color Prints. They will not be accepted for Monochrome Competition. Tones of a color or a single color dominating the Black & White Print is not acceptable.
- Color Prints Color photographs that have been taken by the entrant can be printed either by the entrant or by a commercial printing facility. The printing of the digital image does not have to be done by the entrant. The photograph MUST BE SECURELY MOUNTED on mounting board only. The mounting does not have to be done by the entrant. Entries not securely mounted will not be accepted for competition. NOTE: Black & White Prints will not be accepted in the Color Print category!
On the Saturday prior to the competition the following information must be emailed to Mari Parker
- Your name.
- The titles of the prints you will be submitting.
- What class you are in – Beginner, Advanced or Salon.
- Whether the prints are Color or Monochrome.
- If the print is a make-up or re-submission.
Print entries must be in the committees’ hands on competition nights no later than 7:45 PM.
Maximum print size is 16″ X 20″ including mount. Minimum print size shall be at least 80 square inches (8 X 10”) exclusive of mounting. Nothing shall be attached to the mounting board except the print, i.e.; frames, wires, hooks or glass.
Print labels must be printed legibly with maker’s name, class and print title. The label must be securely affixed to the upper right hand corner of the back on the mounting board. No Post-It notes are allowed. Do not write on the front of the print or mount. Titles, etc., must match the email sent to the Chairpersons.
Prints entered into competition require the use of the Teaneck Camera Club print label.
Print labels must be SECURELY ATTACHED to the upper right hand corner on the back of the mounting board.
Download labels – Avery template 5264
The labels can be printed on Avery labels 5264 or store brand equivalent. The labels can be printed on plain paper, cut out and SECURELY ATTACHED to the upper right hand corner on the back of the mounting board. You cannot have anything on the back of your mount that might stick to someone else’s print. The label from the Teaneck CC website contains the proper form that fits the Avery or equivalent format.
On the print label:
- Check off your class: Beginner, Advanced or Salon.
- Check Color or Monochrome (B&W).
- Check if the print is a Make-Up or a Re-Submission.
- Clearly and legibly fill in your name (Maker), Title and Date.